The great thing about an American holiday in a foreign country is that you can celebrate Halloween whenever you like. We did most of our celebrating last night.

Our pumpkin, however, didn't make it to the party. He decided to turn BAD! I guess that's what happens to
cannibalistic pumpkins. They grow a thick, furry coat of mold and start to smell a little "ripe". Due to his poor behavior, he was banished to the trash.

His chocolate counterpart, however, was on his best behavior and got to have all kinds of fun. He was invited to a Halloween party in the Netherlands with the teenager! Jess went to a neighboring country for a Halloween party (how crazy does that sound??), and then a sleep-over at a friends house. As a "thank you" gift to the friends parents for putting up with sugar induced teenagers for the night, we sent along this chocolate pumpkin from Leonidas. It's actually hollow, so we had it filled with an assortment of chocolates (pralines) as well. Now the parents are buzzing on a sugar high along with the kids. That's what Halloween is all about!

While Jess was off partying in the Netherlands Friday night, we headed off to Russ' work. Everyone decorated the main buildings, and the kids got to trick or treating through all of the offices. After collecting lots of candy, they headed to the Club and had a big party with fun and games. It was a huge success! The big hit of the night was the Haunted House, put on by all of the cops. They had grown men screaming like little girls! (I'm not naming any names, but you know who you are!)

This fellow on our hall was a big hit, as well. He was sitting in the dark, and the kids thought the bowl of candy was sitting on a black chair. When they reached for it, he moved and they screamed!

The kids had a blast, and we gave away a ton of candy. We have a lot left, too. We're going to be eating snickers and
twizzlers for months to come. There are going to be a lot of busy Belgian dentists near the base! Happy Halloween!
That first photo is awesome!! What a great shot! Loved your costume...was that child running away from you???
ReplyDeleteAlthough it does look like I was terrifying little children, this is not the case. :0) He got the candy he wanted and was heading out to snag some more from other rooms. They catch on quick! We had gone to Peer the other night, and whwen I saw the moon behind the church, I had to take a pic. I've started to carry the little camera in my purse all the time now. I seldom use my nice one. It takes much better pics, but it's big and not as portable. (Still love it though!)