Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fall Fun!

We had a Fall Festival at Brandon's school this weekend, and he and I won the pumpkin carving contest! Woohoo! This is our winning entry. Apparently the judges shared our strange sense of humor. The prize was a gift certificate for the BX. There is still some negotiating to take care of on that issue. I thought Brandon could pick out a nice fall shirt, but he has something else in mind...a game. Go figure. (He does look a little creepy all lit up, doesn't he?) He gets to go to work with Russ on Friday. We are decorating the offices so the kids can go trick or treating there. Here is some gee wiz info on Belgium. Did you know that they didn't celebrate Halloween here at all until around 5 or 6 years ago? We Americans brought the craze over here, and now local stores sell Halloween decorations. You'll even see some houses and businesses all duded up for the Holiday. Some Belgians aren't too into it, though. They think it's a little too scary. They have Halloween parties and haunted corn fields here, but they don't trick or treat. Darn those healthy people!

Yesterday was fun-filled as well! Jess is off of school this week for Fall Break, so we went to the market at Peer for a morning of shopping! We went a little crazy at one booth selling beautiful scarves. (Scarves are VERY big here!) They were 3 for 10 Euro! Of course, that meant we had to get a few. We ended up with 6. I think that shows a great deal of restraint for the two of us. It could have been a lot worse! We had to stop off at Leonidas for some chocolate to restore our energy for more shopping. After picking up some dried pineapple and mango, speculoos cookies, a new purse, and some fresh vanilla waffles (shopping is hard work, so we had to refuel!!), we headed home. Jess got to relax for the rest of the afternoon, but I was off again. I had a class on how to make a Fall floral arrangement in a pumpkin. I've never done this sort of thing before, so I was a little hesitant about it, but it was a blast! I think it turned out pretty good, too. It was lots of fun getting together with the girls, sharing laughs, and making a big mess. Whew! I'm tired just thinking about it all. I think it's time for more chocolate.


  1. No wonder your pumpkin won the carving contest! It's awesome! When I saw the picture of it lit up, I started laughing cause the lil pumpkin looked so... I dunno.. pitiful? Poor lil guy is gettin' his butt munched on!

  2. He does look pretty pitiful, huh? We are sick individuals. :0) Ya gotta love it!
