Don't you wish everything in life came with a map, an arrow, and a little tag stating "You Are Here"? Think how much easier it would all be. Until that great day arrives, I'll have to be satisfied with the occasional signs that we seem to come across. We were on our way home from dinner at the Banana Split in Overpelt, and I was taking a couple of pictures through the windshield of the pretty fall leaves. Then Jess (in all her teenage wisdom) asks, "Uh, Mom, why are you taking pictures of a road when there is a windmill?" What? A windmill? There is no windmill on this road! "We just went right by it!" she said, clearly exasperated. (You can practically hear her thinking "Old people are SOOOO slow! Why do I even bother?" ) We turned around, and behold...the teenager was right! Apparently I've driven right by this beauty several times and never noticed it before! Maybe old people ARE slow!
According to the map, there are actually TWO windmills in Overpelt. I'll have to check the other one out as well. I'd also like to return to this one on a prettier day. It was a tad rainy and overcast. Still, any windmill is a glorious one.

In case you are wondering about the fall leaves, here is the picture I was taking as we passed the windmill. You have to admit, it's pretty distracting. Fall has come to Belgium, and it is beautiful. Even us OLD people can appreciate it.
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