Brandon didn't have school today, so as a reward for his running errands with me, we stopped at the
Automatenshop to check it out. Remember the small vending machine at Peer that I told you about right after we moved here? Well, this is it's mother! It's one big room, open all the time, and filled with vending machines that sell just about everything! How brilliant is this?

This wall is pretty much normal stuff you'd find in vending machines in the states, with one exception. Those red cans in the middle machine are full of Jupiter and Crystal beer. They also sell Red Bull. I had wondered how they can keep the kids from buying beer, and they have this worked out as well. All Belgians are issued an ID card, and you have to put your card into the machine to purchase the beer. Once again, brilliant!

The rest of the room is filled with machines that sell food. The machine on the left sells things like sandwich spread and cheese. The one in the center has loaves fresh baked bread. The one on the right has baguette sandwiches. Under the name of each sandwich, they list the ingredients on it. (This is helpful if you can read Dutch. I can tell you which sandwiches have chicken, ham, cheese or mushrooms on them. That just about covers my vocabulary.)

On the last wall, there is a machine that sells warm food, like hamburgers and chicken sandwiches. Brandon got the kip sandwich (chicken) and he said it was great!

They also have one that sells small hamburgers and sausage on a bun. The only thing that they were missing is a machine that sells
stoofvlees. If they add that to this store, I'm getting a cot and moving in. Feel free to forward my mail there. I'm just saying.
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