Friday, September 9, 2011

My Little Cupcake... Sort Of

I don't normally allow myself to be influenced by advertisements. Normally. But this little cutie really caught my eye, and after debating purchasing it for several months, I took the plunge. It's the My Little Cupcake Pop Mold, and it's adorable. Even if you never used it, it would bring happiness and goodness into your kitchen, right? Without even reading what comes next, you're thinking about getting one of these, aren't you? You know you are. The only thing that kept me from snatching one up the second I saw it is that my babies are now 17 and 13, so themed birthday parties and school celebrations where Mom brings in the snacks are a thing of the past (*sniff*). I wasn't sure how much I would use it. Finally I just said "what the heck". Who are we kidding anyway? I want it for me. Part of the appeal of this little jewel is how easy it is to use. They even include the recipe on the box, for goodness sakes. You simply take a package of Oreo cookies, blend them into finely ground crumbs in your food processor, hand mix in an 8 ounce package of creme cheese, chill, and mold these babies out. Piece of cake, right? Absolutely... if you actually follow the directions. Here's where I come in. I don't have a food processor over here. I only have about 9 months left, so I didn't want to go out and get one either. I decided to use the blender. Easy peasy, right? I got it out of the cabinet, somehow dislodging the canister of flour that the cord had mysteriously become wrapped around. The flour canister flipped backwards off the top shelf of the lazy susan and emptied it's contents onto all of the bowls, dishes, and whatnot on the lower shelf. No problem. Now I have a little project to entertain me during the chilling process of my little cupcakes. Ignoring the mess, I dropped 6 or 7 Oreos into the blender, put the lid on and turned it to high. Apparently this blender has a little hole in the lid, because it suddenly resembled a volcanic eruption with black ash shooting up through the half inch hole and flying everywhere. It's OK. I've got this. I give it another shot, covering the hole with my finger. Much better. After mixing in the creme cheese by hand and chilling the concoction, I was ready for the next step. This was probably my favorite part. (I had flashbacks of making play dough creatures with my kids.) The mold worked perfectly, and even though I'd heard of people having to wipe the inside out occasionally to keep the cupcakes from sticking, I didn't have any trouble with that at all. I ended up with 24 beautiful little Oreo cupcakes. Then things went a little wonky. You are supposed to dip these treats in melted candy wafers or candy melts. I didn't have any, so I used bakers chocolate. It's quite a bit thicker, so you don't get the great effect of the mold. I tried to dress them up with candy sprinkles like the My Little Cupcake Blog showed, but it just didn't work out. They still looked a little lumpy. So... I decided to just have some fun with it. I figure Brandon will like these more than the flowers anyway. In case you're wondering, they taste yummy! (Not that I ate a couple or anything like that. Did I say 24 cupcakes? My bad. I think it only made 22. Maybe even 21, but whose counting?) I'll have to locate some candy melts and give it another try. For now, I have a kitchen to clean. It looks like a battle went on in there.


  1. It's good you can entertain yourself while the children are at school.

  2. A gal's got to entertain herself. Maybe I should try something that doen't involve eating...
