Thursday, September 15, 2011

Here's To New Friendships...

I was jogging along the canal, my tunes cranked up to distract me from all the wheezing and panting going on, when I noticed her out of the corner of my eye.  She was hanging out in the bushes just off the bike path, and ducked back quickly when I came close to her, not making eye contact.  No biggie.  I'm sure a lot of folks come out here to enjoy a little peace and quiet.  Who am I to judge?  I kept on with my slow and steady pace and left her to her privacy.  After a while, I doubled back and headed for home.  I have to admit, she gave me quite a scare when she bounded out from behind a tree and landed right in my path.  I skidded to a halt and gave out a little yelp before I could stop myself.  I guess she'd been watching me for a bit and figured out I couldn't pose too much of a threat, or maybe she was just tired of her own company.  I said hi, but she didn't really respond.  I think she might have smiled a little bit, though.  (It's quite possible she didn't understand English, and I didn't want to embarrass her by saying more.)  Not sure what else to do, I started walking again.  She fell into step beside me and we traveled on a little ways in silence.  This must have been a little too boring for her (teenagers!), so she started walking in front of me and slowing down, then speeding back up again.  I didn't take too much of this before I got irritated and started jogging again.  She kept up the pace with me for about 5 or 10 minutes, and then lost interest, veering off toward to bushes to look for more entertainment.   She was a sweet little kitty.  I hope to see her again when I'm out there tomorrow. 


  1. maybe she was hoping you'd invite her to go home with you? Share a bit of milk?

  2. She was a petite litthe thing, but she was well taken care of. I'm sure she belonged to one of those houses beside the canal. I would have brought her home if I could. She was adorable!
