Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I'm Baaaaaaaaack!

We are officially moved into the house! And...I have Internet and ice! Life just doesn't get any better, unless you want furniture. Then life will definitely get better tomorrow! That's when all of our worldly possessions finally get delivered. It's been about 3 months since I've seen any of it, so it will be like getting all new stuff, too! Til then, we are once again camping out on blow up mattresses. I thought it was "interesting" sleeping on these things in Alaska, but it's slipped to a whole new level over here. We don't have carpeting in this house, and the bedrooms have hard wood floors. Very nice, indeed, and I can assure you that I'm not complaining about this. The problem is that when you put a rubber blow up mattress on a hard wood floor, you get some very strange sounds. Every time you roll over or get in and out of bed, the mattress groans, wails, creaks, moans...well, you get the point. Needless to say, none of us are getting much sleep, and are very excited about tomorrow.
Anyhoo, about the ice. Belgian's tend to have very small refrigerators, and no freezers. They go to the market each day and eat a lot of fresh food, so I guess they just don't need anything bigger or colder. Now that we've moved into the house, we've gotten an American sized fridge/freezer combo on loan from a nearby base, and life is back to normal. I have ICE! I have real iced tea! With ice! (I know you think I'm overreacting, but you try to go 2 months without any freezer and ice whatsoever-including at restaurants, and see how excited you are to see the little bundles of joy!) Woohoo! The house does have a built in Belgian sized fridge. It's very nice and blends in with the kitchen cabinets. I decided to put it to good use and turn it into a drink fridge.
Right now Belgians are groaning in disgust. Ridiculous Americans. (Actually, they are much to polite to groan, but they might be thinking it.) Oh, well. Every American man is saying "How cool is that? Is it stocked with Belgian and German beer?" Why yes, it is.

Not to leave the ladies out, check out my tub. Is this heaven, or what? You can just imagine a bubble bath, a glass of wine, and the shade open so you can see the stars. Sweet! Of course, you have to watch the angle, or the neighbors might be seeing a full moon, and trust me...nobody wants that!


  1. Freakin' GORGEOUS, Barb!! That tub is just to die for... Europeans really love their baths, and I do, too!!

  2. The owner's Dad built this house expecially for his daughter, so it's built with a woman in mind. It's awesome! I'm sure she put a lot of thought into the bathroom. :0)

  3. Nice to see pics of the new house!! Love the tub!! Good luck with the unpacking!!!

  4. Thanks Gretchen. :0) Still unpacking, but I can see the end of the tunnel now. On to organizing!
