Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Carnival Week in Belgium

It's Carnaval Week in Belgium. The kids are out of school, everyone is in a fantastic mood, and things get just a little bit crazy. (I think this event might mark the official onset of Spring Fever.) We try to make it to at least one parade each year, because that's part of the fun. It reminds me a lot of Mardis Gras back home. There are always lots of interesting floats to see, and people dress up in colorful costumes and throw all sorts of goodies to the crowds gathered to enjoy the show.

Adding to the craziness of the event, it's all sponsored by the local brewery. Most of the participants have had more than their share by the time they make it through the town. This group sat down in the middle of the street, formed a human chain, and proceeded to wave and sing along with the music blaring from the nearest float. No one is ever out of control here, though. Everyone is just acting silly and having a good time.

This fellow wasn't part of the parade, but he was still my favorite. What kid doesn't love a parade, no matter what age? I know I do. Happy Carnival.

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