There is nothing better than mail. Especially now that we are overseas. But things are done a little differently now, because we are...well...overseas. Only the local mail comes to our house. Everything from the States goes to the P.O. Box at
Kleine Brogel (otherwise known as KB). That means the hubby usually picks it up and brings it home to me. This is normally a very exciting event. Especially when he comes in the door and yells those magic words..."Someone come and help me. I've got boxes!" Boxes! It's like Christmas morning! Which brings me to the topic of today's little entry. Those lovely people at
QuicKutz came out with a special release for Christmas. It's called Santa's Workshop, and it is a bunch of fantastic dies that are used to cut out and make little scrapbooks. For most of you, this means nothing. For those fellow
crafters... this is GOLD! It's a MUST HAVE, because not only is a great invention, but they are only sold in a limited quantity, so if you don't grab it fast, it's gone. Forever! (Or you have to buy it for about 3 or 4 times as much on that "auction website".) So I, of course, ordered it immediately and decided that this is what Russ will give me for Christmas. (In case you are thinking that this might be a problem, it is not. We normally pick out our own Christmas presents because this way, you always get what you want and no money is wasted on "surprises".)
Anyhoo, I ordered it. Then it came in. Russ came home and was met with cheers of excitement at the prospect of boxes to open. The cheers turned to grunts of displeasure when the kids quickly realized that the boxes were just for me. They wandered off in disappointment, while I settled in on the couch. I checked out my box of clothing from Penney's first. (You know how it is. Savoring the moment. Prolonging the excitement. Just like Christmas morning!) Then it was time. I picked up the box from Remember When (scrapbook store). I cut open the tape. I slowly opened the flap and tilted it towards me to peek inside. Russ rounded the corner into the living room. "What do you think you are doing?" he asked. "Um, opening my box." "Isn't that your Christmas present from me?" "Uh huh." "Then why are you opening it?" Busted. But then again, I am a quick thinker. "I have to check it out to make sure that they sent everything. If I wait 'til Christmas, it will be too late to do anything about it." He rolls his eyes. He's not buying it, but he allows me a peek at the contents. No opening, no using, but I can at least see the goodies. I open the box and pull out the packages of dies. Sawdust goes everywhere. It's on my clothes, the couch, the floor... everywhere! I love
QK, but sometimes their cute packing ideas just cause more mess than they are worth. This reminds me of a couple of years ago when they packed their "Snowman" Christmas release set in tons of tiny little Styrofoam balls (snowballs, get it?). Huge mess. I was vacuuming those little buggers up for weeks. Ugh. I guess they figured that this time, their little "workshop" theme needed some sawdust packing. I'm sure the idea looked good on paper. Not so good in my house. I think the hubby was secretly in on it. They booby trapped my Christmas present. Now he'll know if I look at it again before Christmas. There is just no hiding this mess. So... everything was there (like I sort of knew it was), and I have to put it all back in the box and wait over a month to play with it... AND I have to vacuum the living room (and me) as well. This is not turning out to be a very nice mail day after all. I'm off to pout with the kids.
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