Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sleepy Sunday On The Canal

 The teenagers were sleeping late and doing whatever it is that teenagers do, so Russ and I took one last walk along the canal and visited a couple of my favorite spots.  I hope it's not really our last walk on the canal, but as busy as things are getting soon, that is probably the case.  It feels like we just moved in, and hopped on our bikes to explore the area.  The last 3 years have flown by.  As excited as I am to be going back to the states, I'm so sad to leave our pretty little town on the canal. 
 No more bike rides with the kids.  No more jogging and walking along the paths.  No more stopping for ice cream to cool off while we people watch (and they watch us right back). 
One more chapter in our lives is coming to an end.  We're so grateful that we had the opportunity to live in Belgium.  This was something we had never dreamed was possible, and it will always hold a special place in our hearts. 

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