Tuesday, October 11, 2011


It's Homecoming weekend here in our neck of the woods, and that makes for one busy Saturday. After an hour on the road, we watched a lot of this. (Yes, their warm up shirts do say "Our team is tighter than spandex.") And a lot of this. (Nice "war face", but I prefer that lovely smile.)And a whole lot of this. The ladies played several kick butt games and had a great time! Then it was time to head over...

to watch this.

And Brandon did a lot of this. After cheering on all of the school teams in their different sports, we finally headed home. Not Jess, though. She took off to Germany with some friends to get all "gussied up" so that she could...

do this. Whew. Talk about a busy Saturday! Somehow, the kids made it through all of their various activities and had an awesome Homecoming. That's all that matters in the end. Russ and I did a lot of sitting... and watching... and sitting.... so when it was all done, we went home and relaxed while watching a movie... and sitting. (But at least this time if was on our comfy - and cushioned - couch!) Happy Homecoming!

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