Monday, April 19, 2010

A Beautiful Day For A Bike Ride

Mother Nature is spoiling us with all of these beautiful days. It makes it extremely hard to stay in the house and take care of those menial tasks like cleaning and laundry. It's absolutely gorgeous. Russ went in to work late today, so when he asked me if I wanted to keep him company on his jog along the canal at noon, I jumped at the chance. No, I didn't jog, too. I'd already done that at the gym this morning, so I took my lovely limo (Belgian bike) along for a ride. Sunshine brings the bikers out in droves in these parts. It's quite the social scene. I don't mean one or two bikes, here and there. I'm talking about groups of 15 or 20 bikers, and just about any age you can think of. They travel together, stopping along the way to greet other friends that they run into. They always seem to end up at a neighborhood pub, sitting outside in the fabulous sunshine, sipping a beer or coffee and watching people passing by. Did I mention that this is a VERY social country? (These people never sit home and do nothing. It's just not in their nature.) Anyway, Russ and I were cruising along the canal near our house, with Russ running at a steady pace in front, and me following along on the cruiser, both of us greeting the locals as we pass. A barge was slowly cruising up the water way toward us. We've been here almost a year now, but I still find barges fascinating, so I was checking it out. It was fully loaded, and riding low in the water. The captain waved as he passed by, and I returned the greeting, and then I noticed something very interesting at the back of the boat. These barges are essentially houses on the water. They have little apartments built into them, and it's common to see bikes or small cars loaded onto the back of them. This guy not only had a car on the back, but he was washing it as they chugged down the canal. How cool is that? I knew I should have brought my camera with me. On the way back, we came upon a group of gray haired gentlemen, sitting on a bench near the canal and shooting the breeze with each other. They seemed to find us very entertaining. They tried to tell Russ to trade places with me, and let me run while he enjoyed a leisurely bike ride. They were talking in Dutch, but with hand gestures, we figured it out pretty quickly. Even with the language barrier, they were pretty funny, and had us laughing on our journey home. Just another perfect day in paradise...Hope yours was just as great.

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