Monday, July 4, 2011

The Secret Society

When Americans are stationed overseas, there's bound to be security. Most of it is just common sense, so we really don't think too much about it. When a local base held a 4th of July celebration on Saturday, we decided to head over and check out the festivities. Seems simple enough, right? Not so much. They posted what was going to happen and when it will all take place, but they left out one important detail... where the heck is it? We wouldn't want the bad guys to know where all the Americans were going to be, right? We don't want the good ones to know either. That's right. We belong to a secret society. You didn't know just how cool I was until right now, did you? I'll give you a minute to calculate just how many cool points this gives me.

Last year, Jess went with us to the event, and she had the directions memorized. (We don't call her GPS Jess for nothing.) This year, however, we were meeting her there, so we were on our own. We had a general idea of the location, and that helped. We narrowed it down to the correct country, and we knew it was off of one of the roads off of a certain round about.

After a little driving around, we located the site. We exchanged the secret passwords and handshakes with the guards (OK, maybe we just showed our IDs) and were soon allowed access to the events.

There were lots of things going on there, but somehow the only thing I managed to take pictures of was the falconry exhibition. It was pretty impressive, so I can see how that happened. The kids had a great time. Their equally cool/secret friends were there as well. Fun was had by all. In a secret sort of way.

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