Locals here are very curious. Upon hearing me speak English, they usually ask me a few questions. "Where are you from?" "What do you think about Belgium?" "Do you like it here?" I always tell them that I love Belgium. It's a beautiful country and people are so nice. But I miss home, family, and friends. Lately, I've been adding that I am tired of the rain. "Ah, rain," they respond. "That's Belgium." I guess you have to have an accepting type of attitude here, because you certainly can't do anything about the weather. They just continue on with life as if it's a beautiful day. The rain is pouring down, but they are out there raking leaves, riding their bikes to the market, or sweeping off their sidewalk. As soon as there is a break in the weather, they are out there wiping down their windows until they shine. As first, I was out there with them. Now, I just look up at the sky and say, "Looks like more rain is on the way. Why bother." I haven't cleaned my windows in a couple of months. I'm sure that I am the talk of the neighborhood with my water spotted panes, but such is life. Give it 10 minutes. It'll rain again and it won't matter. Oh, wait. It's raining now. *sigh*
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