There are two magical creatures that live in our house. The first is the House Fairy. You might have met her. In fact, one might live in your house as well. She is the one who makes sure that the laundry is always clean and put away. She vacuums and mops, keeps the pantry and fridge stocked with food, and cleans the toothpaste out of the bathroom sink. She cooks the meals, wipes down the kitchen counters, and dusts the furniture. She is very busy. And she is rarely seen in public. Things just seem to get done. Her arch nemesis is Not Me. Not Me is also hard to spot and is very, very busy. Not Me finishes the roll of toilet paper and does not replace it, and throws recyclables in the trash. Not Me leaves clothes on the floor, crumbs on the kitchen counter, and eats the last of the chocolate chip cookies. I suspect that there might be more than one Not Me living in my home, but I can't prove it. Not Me is harder to spot than Big Foot, and more elusive than the Loch Ness Monster. Some day, in the not so distant future, Not Me might move on to another home. That will be a sad, sad day. But until then, it's possible... just possible... that the House Fairy might need a vacation. I caught a glimpse of her this morning, and she was rolling her eyes as she wiped the kitchen counter clean of crumbs for the third time in the last hour. I'm just saying.
Ya know, I think I have a nest of "Not Me's" in my house. HMMM!!