There are many things here in Belgium that I absolutely love...and plan on taking back to the states with me when our tour here is done. One of those things is the
outdoor roller shutter system that they have on their windows. That's a
mouth full, isn't it? Essentially, it is a series of connected aluminum strips that roll up into a box that's built into the wall over the window. There is a heavy material strap on the side of the window (hidden by curtains), that you use to pull the shutters down and back up again. They are great for added security when you are out of town, but they also block out the light during those bright summer evenings. They provide extra insulation, too, during those chilly winter nights. I think they would be perfect for Florida. Just think how easy it would be to get ready for a hurricane with these babies! If you are curious as to why I chose to talk about this today, it's because
occasionally...these straps used to open and shut them wear out. The one on this front window decided to give up the fight, and was literally hanging on by a thread.

I have an awesome landlord, and when I mentioned it to her, she called her Dad...who knew someone who could fix it. That's the way things work around here. I really don't know why they even have phone books and Yellow Pages in Belgium. Any time you need to get something fixed, there is always someone who "knows someone" who can take care of it for you.
Anyhoo, she made the call and he came over to take a look at it. My landlord was here on the initial inspection the other day, so when he came by to check things out, she did all the talking. Today, when he came to actually fix it...it was just me and him. Did I mention that he doesn't speak any English.

He chatted away in Dutch, and thanks to the occasional word that I recognized, and extensive hand gestures, I got by. I responded to everything in English (with lots of gestures as well), and he seemed to follow well enough. I got to see the inner workings of the shutter system, and found it all pretty interesting. He put a spiffy new white strap on there, to replace the plain dark brown one that had torn apart. I think we bonded. In fact, I might even count him as one of my best friends.

In case you noticed the view out of the window in that first picture...yes, that's snow. Apparently I spoke a little too soon when I said spring was on the way. We got a few inches of the white stuff last night, and are expecting at least two more inches today. *heavy sigh*

And now...on to the "winner" part. Let me start by saying YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES! I've had over 6,700 visitors reading this blog, and only 3 people try to win a little goody!?!?! I know you can do better than that! It wasn't even that difficult of a
question. I chose it in honor of our upcoming trip to the
Edelweiss Lodge and Resort, and the flower in the picture shares the same name. All three of them got it right...the song was
Edelweiss. Well, Erika got there in a roundabout kind of way, but I'll give her credit anyway. After all, it's not her fault that she's a lot younger than the rest of us and
The Sounds Of Music was WAY before her time.
Anyhoo, Myra won the drawing, and she is the new owner of this lovely bag from
Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany. It's just the thing any princess would need to carry around books, scrapbook supplies, etc. In honor of the amount of participation, I figured that all three people deserve something. I already gave Erika a goody the other day, so I'll be picking up something for
Dajana in the near future, as well. Our mail system is hit or miss lately, ladies, but I'll get your packages off to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, I'll just keep shoveling the snow off of the driveway...dreaming about Spring...*heavy sigh*
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