Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The snow has melted. It's still pretty cold outside, and the winter is by no means over, but I can once again see grass and cobblestones. For that... I am grateful. It's the little things. Sometimes they are out in the open for everyone to see, but sometimes they are hidden. A friend of mine dropped a jar of vanilla, resulting in glass and liquid splattered all over the kitchen floor. It was a horrible mess to clean up, but her house now smells delicious. And I'm grateful that she didn't drop it on her toe. I'm in a foreign country, struggling to communicate in order to complete the most mundane of tasks. Then I say alsjeblieft and dank u wel, and see the smiles and nods of appreciation that I am at least trying. I'm grateful for the opportunity to live in Europe, even if I don't understand everything that people are saying to me. While walking through the local grocery store, picking up bread and milk, I happened upon a display of beautiful, freshly cut flowers. A dozen long stemmed roses, for less than 4 Euros. I'm grateful for fresh flowers and a price that everyone can afford. My rear hurts...and my legs. But I am grateful for a free gym that is at my disposal, and a strong heart that will allow the rest of me to slowly get in shape. It's the little things. The smell of fresh baked waffles at the market, a friendly wave from a neighbor, a great song on the radio. Some days you might have to look for them a little harder, but they are still there. And I am grateful.


  1. If it landed on my toe / foot, it might not have broken (><) LOL . Oh well, it just gives me an excuse to buy more of the Pampered Chef's Vanilla.... :D

  2. The bottle wouldn't, but your toe would have. :0) Happy shopping!
