Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bummin A Ride

Spiders are everywhere in Belgium. You can clean your house from top to bottom, and by the end of the day, there are spider webs in the corners once again. There are a few who prefer a mobile home, and they've set up house on my van. Meet Cynthia. She lives behind my rear view mirror on the passenger side of the van. (Sarah lives on the driver's side, but she is much more shy than Cynthia.)

Cynthia is in a bit of a snit today, because while she was out enjoying the cool weather, I chose to drive to the grocery store. Her web is an elaborate design connecting my rear view mirror to the door of the van, and she was forced to grab onto it while flipping and bouncing about in the wind while I drove. As you can see, there was some resulting damage. She wants restitution, but I told her to take it up with her insurance company. In my defense, Cynthia is a freeloader and has never paid me any rent, so I don't feel guilty about the situation. I've asked her to move numerous times, and she has chosen to ignore me.

I left Cynthia to her repairs. Maybe I'll ask the hubby to evict her when he gets home from work. Quite frankly, she's not very friendly and she's bringing my property value down. No one wants to get in on that side of the van.

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