Monday, April 23, 2012


We don't have much longer is lovely Belgium. In fact, my van ships out in less than two weeks. My furniture leaves a couple of weeks after that. This is the part that makes me nervous. Our lives are boxed up and loaded onto a boat, sailing out across that big big ocean. I feel like I'm holding my breath until it arrives at the other side. I sat down and had a little chat about it with my van the other day. She's very excited to be going back home again. "Wide roads with room for two vehicles to pass without pulling off onto the shoulder?" she asked. "And parking spaces big enough for even me?" You bet, I told her. She practically bounced out of the driveway. Yep. She's excited. Russ and I will drop her off with a pat on the hood and a couple of dramamine in the fuel tank (she gets seasick, don't judge), and she'll be on her merry way. Pretty soon after that, we'll be joining her. Hmmmm. It might be time to start thinking about names for my new blog. Beachy Barb doesn't quite have the same ring to it. Russ tells me that Barb's A Beach probably isn't the best choice as well.

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