Proving once again what an awesome person he is, Russ took me to yet
another Christmas Market. Although he doesn't share my enthusiam for the markets, he is a really good sport about it and keeps me company any time he can. Today, we went to the market in Hasselt. We went pretty early in the morning, so we beat the crowds. It was great just to walk around and check things out. In case you are wondering, the kids chose to sleep in. The Christmas Break has officially begun, and they wanted to take full advantage of it. It was their loss, because this market had both a roller coaster and a Fun House.

Christmas in Belgium is just a little different from Christmas in America. This is where Santa and Rudolph come to kick off some steam. I'm thinking that Rudy has had one too many frosty mugs of beer. He's getting a little too frisky with Santa.

And is it just me, or is this a Christmas prostitute? She's standing by the lamp post holding her hand out for money. I guess this is how they get the Dads to come to the Christmas Markets with the wives and kids.

In all, Hasselt has a great Christmas Market. They even had Santa's house there. It was a adorable little log cabin, fully furnished and with Santa in residence. Sadly, my camera battery died when I walked in the building, so I don't have any pictures to share. You'll just have to go there and check it out for yourself!
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