In the little town of
Borgloon, Belgium, there are a lot of hills. On top of one of those hills, lies a steel chapel called Reading Between The Lines. The Chapel was designed by
Pieterjan Gijs and
Arnout Van
Vaerenbergh, and is constructed out of thousands of steel slats.

The artists got the idea for the chapel from the church ruins scattered around the countryside. They wanted people to think about the c
hurches from their past, and to appreciate them just a little bit more, instead of letting them fall into decay after being abandoned.

They also thought it would be interesting to create a church that blended perfectly into it's natural surroundings. A place to commune with both God and nature, if you will. They did an excellent job. I can just imagine how the church must change and adapt to each new season.

And let's not forget the view. It's spectacular!

The church is 10 meters high, and is constructed of 100 layers of weathered steel plates. It was welded at another location, and only took one day to assemble on the hilltop of

If you're interested in seeing the church in person, then head on over to
Borgloon. When you get to the intersection of
Truidersteenweg and
Grootloonstraat, look for a little paper sign with an arrow on it. Head up the tiny, one lane road (through the orchard) that the arrow is pointing to. When you reach the picnic table, you're there.
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