A couple of nights ago, we had an amazing full moon. Unfortunately, I didn't get a decent picture of it. It's entirely possible that standing in a tub and hanging out a second floor bathroom window is not a situation conducive to successful picture taking. I could be wrong, though. You might get your best shots that way. Who am I to judge?
Anyhoo, the moon was amazing. Did you know that there are different names for the full moon each month? They date back to early Native Americans, who named them to keep track of the seasons. March's full moon is called the Worm Moon. According to
Farmer's Almanac, as the temperature begins to warm and the ground starts to thaw, earthworms make their way to the surface. This brings the robins back for a tasty snack. The Algonquin Indians wouldn't lie. I can hear the birds chirping outside my window as I type this. Happy Spring!
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